There is only one constant when it comes to data privacy regulations; they are constantly changing. Organizations may find it difficult to maintain compliance with dozens of regulations across multiple countries, which often feel like a chaotic bird’s nest of tangled scope and language. On top of current regulations, dozens more are projected to be enacted in the coming years. To ensure one’s organization keeps up with changes, one must look ahead and plan a roadmap of future changes to be better prepared for them. One helpful tip is to compare all regulations that apply to one’s organization and see where they overlap. This allows for less work to be done in the future, as complying with one regulation may already put you in compliance with another.
Since the landscape changes in global privacy regulations are not slowing down, it has become imperative that organizations stay up to date on current news and trends in the field. If one knows that an applicable regulation will be enacted in the coming months, the organization can prepare to comply with the regulation sooner rather than later to distribute the workload more evenly and prevent rushing to meet the compliance deadline.
Privacy laws are daunting and complex. Unfortunately, there is no easy way out regarding compliance. Organizations need to stay up to date on changes and know what regulations apply to them as a means of mitigating legal risks. Though this may be arduous, the workload can be spread out and even reduced with the proper education and planning.