Author: Ian Vielma

Computer Science major at Fordham University. Working in the Office of Information Technology as an IT Risk Analyst Assistant.


Data Privacy has become a major issue in our daily lives, as we spend most of our time online. With emerging AI software, companies have become reliant on software to manage user data. While it is important for a company to comply with legal regulations, AI has presented new challenges in data storage. Transcend, a data governance software company, allows customers to keep up with data regulations and better control their user data. Users should be able to track who and where their online data is going, now solutions are arising to meet this problem. Full Story

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What happens to the data of a user who passes away? It is assumed that data persists, despite no longer being needed. With AI, ways to manage user data are being introduced. With the use of Generative AI, avatars of deceased people are being made known as ghostbots. These bots recreate an image of users as if they were still alive. However, the departed do not have data privacy rights. How are legacy rights being protected? It is common for a deceased user’s data to become the target for hijacking by online thieves. Full Story

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